Put out the Fire! The Fat Man is coming down the chimney!

Yes, it’s that time of the year again. The holidays are in full swing and the countdown to the coming...

Balancing a Peter Pan Life with Adult Pet Peeves

Balancing a Peter Pan Life with Adult Pet Peeves

I have been referred to as stubborn for most of my life. As a child, I rejected the idea of...

The curiosity of left-handedness and creativity

What do I have in common with Lady Gaga, Barack Obama, Bill Gates, and Paul McCartney? We are all left-handed,...

What you are makes you rich, not what you have

As far back as I can remember, it has been drilled into my head that we all need goals. That...

Powerful Sister Words: Change, Courage, and Gratitude

I just recovered from a bout of gastroenteritis, better known as the stomach flu. It wasn’t horrible, just bad enough...

It’s not absent mindedness. I’m in my elsewhere mind.

It’s not absent mindedness. I’m in my elsewhere mind.

The other day my husband, who has two bad knees, was working on a project and asked me to retrieve...

Learning to accept failure without feeling like a failure.

***Be sure to read the offer in this newsletter for a free Ebook!!*** When I set off on my journey...

What makes opposites attract and why it works

I was born on the eve of summer solstice, June 20th, and my husband was born on the eve of...

The Middle Generation-Stuck between Worlds

The Middle Generation-Stuck between Worlds

[ Normally my posts are created around and about my author’s journey, but today I need to go a different...