Powerful Sister Words: Change, Courage, and Gratitude

I just recovered from a bout of gastroenteritis, better known as the stomach flu. It wasn’t horrible, just bad enough to make me feel crappy for about a day and a half. I had the usual symptoms, of which I will spare you the details.

You’re welcome.

As you wonder why I am sharing this temporary ailment that had me hugging the porcelain throne and whimpering for my mommy, let me inform you that today I feel better, and that is a reason to be grateful!
As we all have experienced at some point in our lives, after you been down and out for a while, whether it is due to a 24-hour stomach bug or a prolonged illness, when you finally feel better, it is a reason to be filled with gratitude.

Good health just feels better.

Another thing that makes most of us feel better is positive change. Stepping out and trying new things helps us to discover what we are really capable of accomplishing, what goals we can reach. Though sometimes it does require a bit of courage taking those first steps to embrace that change. But once we do so, and step into the new and unknown, there is a sense of gratitude for what we have accomplished.

This is a Leap Year with an extra day in February. Though, to me, the name ‘Leap Year’ has never made sense. The word leap refers to jump, as if jumping over something. If we are adding a day, shouldn’t it be called ‘Add-A-Day Year?’

So, for this ‘Add-A-Day’ year, I’ve decided to make changes and embrace new opportunities. That is why I have chosen these three powerful ‘Sister’ words:

                                                          Change, Courage, and Gratitude.

Change: She’s a squirrely kind of gal, never content and always looking for what’s next. Keeping variety in our lives, and the need to know how far she can push us, is her main goal. She teaches us that to accomplish, acquire, or master something we have never done before, we must be willing to do something we have never done before. And that requires her sister: Courage.

Courage: She is the one that stays hidden deep in the corners, back in the recesses of our minds, waiting to be called upon. She often makes an appearance when the child in us wants to run the other way. That is when our inner-warrior steps up to make us stand our ground, and sometimes with only a moment’s notice to react. She may have to dig her way out from under the layers of unreal fears and self-doubt that we have piled upon her, but when Change comes to call, it is Courage who opens the door.

Gratitude: She is the one who loves, embraces, and rejoices in her Sister’s victories. Though Gratitude can arrive at any time, she primarily shows up after the showdown, after the battle and conquest has been accomplished. Yet, sometimes she makes an appearance before the conflict begins, as she only sees a positive outcome. And when her Sisters have proven their value, Gratitude sprinkles joy over everything she touches. She makes our world feel a little less scary, and a little bit more like a hug from a fluffy bunny.

The older I become, the more I appreciate these three Sisters. Over my lifetime, they have pushed me to try new things, have challenged me to put one foot in front of the other and keep moving forward. But at the same time, they have also helped me to embrace who I am right now. They show me how far I have come, and remind me to embrace all the joys and victories, no matter how small.

In the spirit of Change, Courage, and Gratitude, I am taking direction from these three very powerful Sisters and stepping into a new arena this year. Next weekend, due to a gracious offer from my copy editor, I will be sharing a booth with him at the Body, Mind, and Spirit Expo in Denver, Colorado, and hopefully find a new audience of fantasy book lovers! There should be some fascinating vendors there, and this event promises some interesting spiritual energies to tap into.

The event is next weekend, Friday March 15th through Sunday the 17th. Admission is only $10 for the 3-day event. Though I will only be there on Saturday and Sunday, the 16th and 17th.  If you are in Denver, please stop in and say hello! I’m hoping to discover a whole new venue to connect with readers, to book lovers like you and me!

  • At at the expo, book buyers will receive autographed-signed copies by the author (me), and can take advantage of fair only book-bundle discounts!! You can’t get that from Amazon!!

What are your power words for this year? Do you have one or two? Could the Three Sisters be talking to you as well? Maybe a better question is: Are you listening?

I love to hear from readers!! Reach out and share your power words. What motivates you? What unreal fears stop you? What do you want to accomplish this year? Remember, we are all in this together.

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