We Need More Hens

We Need More Hens

I was just thinking—that for me—this writing process has been a bit like a chick coming out of its shell....

What My Brother Taught Me about Living

What My Brother Taught Me about Living

When I decided I would start this blog, I knew that one of my first posts would be about my...

Does everyone hear voices in their heads, or is it just me?

I’m a Gemini, born under the sign of the twins. I sometimes wonder if that’s why I hear a constant...

Go ahead, tell me I can’t, then get the hell out of my way!

Do you know one of the things a writer really needs if she’s truly being honest about wanting to be...

Put on your Big-Girl Panties and go to work!

Sometimes life is hard and we don’t always get what we want. But if our desire for that something is...

Too afraid to go for it, even if it might be good for you?

That seems like a no-brainer. Why not go after what’s good for you? Hmm…is it because…wait for it….it’s different or...

Swimming in the deep end of the pool

Remember when we were young and didn’t know how to swim yet? We walked around the concrete perimeter of the...

Releasing my Gold Fish into a Sea of Sharks!

Launching my writing career feels a little like that. No, to be completely honest, it feels a lot like that. ...